E.1 Salaries and Compensation

  1. Regular Faculty and Administrative Staff

    Salary and Wages. Members of the faculty and administrative staff are paid on the basis of individually established salaries determined through a consideration of general criteria. Salary considerations and wage scales are evaluated each year. The Faculty Economic Benefits Committee reviews salary and economic factors and makes recommendations to the president of the University. Salary plans are reviewed with the University Board of Trustees.

    The salary plan for faculty provides needed flexibility in salary matters and involves the judgment and recommendations of the Faculty Economic Benefits Committee, the deans, the provost, the vice president for Finance and Administration, and the president of the University. Annual salaries are dependent on available funds.

    A faculty member may receive a salary increase based on the recommendation of the dean, as reviewed by the appropriate administrative staff, and within the annual guidelines established for salary increments.

    An administrative staff member may receive a salary increase based on the recommendation of the department head and as determined by the appropriate vice president, and within the annual guidelines established for salary increments.

    Each member of the faculty and administrative staff on regular assignment receives a salary appointment letter from the president at the time of initial appointment and prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.

    Salary adjustments for faculty on an academic-year and summer appointment will be computed on a teaching- day basis if the faculty member must leave his assignment before the end of the academic year.

    Promotional Increments. Salaries of faculty members receiving promotions will be additionally increased by the following increments:

    Instructor to Assistant Professor $1,500
    Assistant Professor to Associate Professor $3,000
    Associate Professor to Professor $4,500

    For promotions effective July 1, 2014, or later, the University will preserve the promotion amount when appointment conditions are subsequently reduced (e.g., from 12 months to 10 months or 10 months to 9 months).

    Credit for Additional Training. Salary increments are allowed for each year of graduate study completed during an academic year or summer session or for the completion of the doctoral degree. An official transcript of graduate work completed must be filed in the Office of the Provost prior to September 15 if the salary increment is to be allowed for the ensuing academic year. In the event the transcript is received after September 15, the increment is pro-rated for the remainder of the year as of the first teaching day of the month following receipt of the transcript.

    Increments for graduate study leading to a higher degree and related to one's field of competence are incorporated in the plan as follows:

    Bachelor's $ 200
    Master's $ 600
    Master's + 30 hours $ 300
    Master's + 60 hours $ 400
    Ph.D. or Ed.D. $ 800

    Faculty and administrative staff must file official transcripts with the provost or appropriate vice president for submission to Human Resources. Increments will become effective at the beginning of the pay period following receipt by Human Resources. Employees must file official graduate work transcripts with the appropriate vice president.

    Extra Courses. In emergency situations, faculty may be assigned a course in addition to the regular teaching load. A faculty member will be paid for any credit hours taught over 12 in a semester. Teaching assignment shall not exceed 16 credit hours per semester. Pay rate schedules are available in the Office of the Provost.

    It is University practice to allow qualified support and administrative staff to teach graduate or undergraduate courses.  However, internal employees are not given preference for teaching appointments based on their current employee status.  A full-time staff member shall not teach more than 6 credit hours per semester, unless Provost and respective Vice President approval is granted. 

    Summer Term Salaries. Summer term teaching assignments for nine- or ten- month faculty members are remunerated at the rate of 2.5 percent per credit hour computed on the previous academic year's base salary, unless otherwise stated.

    Full time, 12-month administrative employees are remunerated for their summer term teaching based on the current, published adjunct and overload rates. Classes being taught must be outside of their normal work schedule.

    A letter of possible summer employment will be extended to faculty members preceding the summer school sessions. This letter outlines the faculty member's teaching assignment with provisions that should such assignment not materialize, the class assignment will be terminated. The faculty member may accept or refuse the assignment.

  2. Part-time (Adjunct) Faculty

    Faculty members on limited assignments (part-time, temporary) are given part-time, adjunct faculty status. The adjunct pay levels reflect different levels of education, training and experience among faculty members employed on a limited basis.

    Individuals employed on a part-time basis will receive the appropriate pay level, and their appointment letters will designate one-semester or one-year appointments. Salaries for these positions will reflect teaching loads. Pay rate schedules are available in the Office of the Provost.

  3. Visiting Professor and Special Program Participants

    Full-time visiting professors are paid at rates comparable to regular faculty.

    Conference and workshop leaders and program participants are paid at various rates depending on the nature and duration of the assignment and the qualifications of the individual.

    An annual appropriation is made to pay honoraria for special lectures on academic topics. Such lectures are scheduled by colleges and are open to faculty, students, and the public. Lecture programs are approved by the provost.

  4. Support Staff

    Support personnel are paid in accordance with established wage ranges on an hourly basis. The ranges are based on position and classification (See Section E.10, Salary Schedules and Position Classifications). Members of the support staff receive salary notification letters from Human Resources.

    A support employee may receive a fiscal salary increase based on annual established guidelines.

    Any regular support staff member who has completed a post-secondary degree before or during the course of employment with USI from an institution of higher education, subject to receipt of official transcripts in Human Resources, is eligible to receive a base rate adjustment for the highest degree earned at an hourly equivalent to the rates shown below.

    Associate Degree $100
    Bachelors Degree $200
    Masters Degree $600
    Masters + 30 hours $300
    Masters + 60 hours $400
    Ph.D. or Ed.D. $800

    An official transcript is required as verification of receipt of the degree; the transcript should be sent to Human Resources along with a memorandum signed by the financial manager authorizing the increase. The increase will become effective at the beginning of the next pay period following receipt of the necessary documentation.

  5. Noncredit Program Participants

    Instructors of noncredit programs, including conferences and workshops, are paid at various rates depending on the nature and duration of the assignment and the qualifications of the individual.

    The executive director of Lifelong Learning is authorized to negotiate and coordinate stipends, honoraria, or other forms of payment to faculty and staff for instruction of noncredit programs and related services.

    All noncredit instructional programs offered on a contract basis for area employers, professional organizations, or other groups, are arranged and scheduled through the office of Lifelong Learning.

  6. Student Workers

    Students are employed in a variety of temporary positions on the campus. Pay is on an hourly basis in accordance with the established minimum wage regulations or wage scales determined for each type of work.