F.25 Obituary and Sympathy Policy


USI Foundation monitors obituaries and alerts appropriate departments.

When a retiree or spouse/child of a retiree dies and upon publication of a public obituary, USI Foundation will send an email to retirees, leadership within the retiree’s former department and Human Resources.

When a current employee or student dies and upon publication of a public obituary, University Marketing and Communications will send an email notification to the entire University.

Upon the death of an employee’s immediate family member (parent, spouse, child) and after consulting the employee to determine her/his wishes, it is up to the discretion of leadership within the employee’s department to disperse the information. This may include notification to the entire department and/or those departments with close working relationships. Department leaders are requested to email the “Death of Family Member” Outlook group, which will alert members of the administration, USI Foundation and Human Resources. The notification email should include a link to the public obituary and relationship of the deceased to the employee.

The administration/department leadership will seek to express a timely form of sympathy from the University via a telephone call to the family or a representative from the University attending the visitation or funeral, offering personal condolences to families.

The USI Foundation will order flowers or a plant to be sent to the family.

At an appropriate time, the Registrar’s Office will send a letter to the family of a deceased student stating the University will close the student's file.

See associated Bereavement Policy, D.8, of the University handbook.