B.4 Employee Groups: Faculty


Regular Full-Time Faculty (75% ≥)

Regular full-time faculty are appointed to positions that are tenured or eligible for tenure and are non-temporary in nature upon the completion of all general requirements and are eligible for the privileges extended by the University. 

Faculty members on academic year appointments are considered regular full-time if they carry a teaching load equivalent to 12 hours during each of the major semesters (fall and spring). Within the University's regular full-time faculty there are academic year employees and fiscal year employees. Academic year employees are, for the most part, those faculty hired on an annual or multi-year appointment basis employed on a nine (9) or ten (10) month basis (with specific dates indicated in their appointments) for teaching in the fall and spring semesters--the academic year; and fiscal-year employees are hired on a twelve (12) month, fiscal-year basis (July 1 through June 30) and are subject to provisions of employee policies applicable to any fiscal-year employee.  Regular Full-Time Faculty appointed for less than a twelve (12) month fiscal-year period are not eligible to accrue paid vacation. 

Librarians (75% )

Regular full-time librarians are appointed in ranks analogous to and modeled on faculty ranks.

Regular Annual Appointment Faculty (75% )

Regular full-time non-tenure track faculty hired on one, two, and three-year rolling appointments of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of full-time employment are eligible to receive, but not entitled to expect, renewal of appointments.  Within the University’s regular annual appointment faculty there are academic year employees, and fiscal year employees. Academic year employees are, for the most part, those faculty hired on an annual or multi-year appointment basis employed on a nine (9) or ten (10) month basis (with specific dates indicated in their appointments) for teaching in the fall and spring semesters; and fiscal-year employees are hired on a twelve (12) month, fiscal-year basis (July 1 through June 30) and are subject to provisions of employee policies applicable to any fiscal-year employee. Regular Annual Appointment Faculty appointed for less than a twelve (12) month fiscal-year period are not eligible to accrue paid vacation.

Temporary Full-Time Faculty  (75% )

A temporary full-time faculty member is scheduled to work for a specific, limited academic period, usually for one (1) academic year.

Faculty appointed to temporary full-time assignments on a semester or one (1) academic year appointment are eligible to receive, but not entitled to expect, renewal of appointments.

Temporary full-time faculty are in exempt, salaried positions that are planned for a period of at least one (1) semester but no more than two (2) years, and have no hours-per-week limitations, in which case they are eligible for some benefits. A temporary full-time faculty member who receives a full-time assignment for a third consecutive year shall no longer be considered a temporary employee but shall be considered a Regular Annual Appointment Faculty member, for all intents and purposes including but not limited to benefits eligibility (although funding for the position may continue to be temporary).

Within the University’s temporary full-time faculty there are semester length employees, academic year employees, and fiscal year employees. Semester length employees are those faculty employed for one (1) academic semester (usually four (4) to six (6) months); academic year employees are, for the most part, those faculty hired on an annual appointment basis employed on a nine (9) or ten (10) month basis (with specific dates indicated in their appointments) for teaching in the fall and spring semesters; and fiscal-year employees are hired on a twelve (12) month, fiscal-year basis (July 1 through June 30) and are subject to provisions of employee policies applicable to any fiscal-year employee. Temporary Full-Time Faculty appointed for less than a twelve (12) month fiscal-year period are not eligible to accrue paid vacation.

Regular Part-Time Faculty (50-74%)

Part-time faculty are employed on an academic year basis and carry a teaching load equivalent of fewer than twelve (12) semester hours and work fewer than twenty-nine (29) hours per week. Individuals employed on a part-time basis will receive the appropriate title, and appointment letters will designate one-semester appointments. Salaries for these positions will reflect teaching loads.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty are employed by the University on a limited, special, or provisional basis for limited or special teaching-only assignments but are not required to perform other regular duties of a full-time faculty member (i.e., scholarly activity or service). Adjunct faculty are employed on a semester-to-semester basis and carry a teaching load equivalent of fewer than ten (10) semester hours for specific courses and/or sections, and work fewer than twenty-nine (29) hours per week.  Individuals employed on an adjunct basis will receive the appropriate title, and appointment documents will designate one-semester appointments. Salaries for these positions will reflect teaching loads. Pay rate schedules are available in the Office of the Provost.

(See Faculty Handbook Section III - Faculty and Academic Policies: Types of Appointment and Tenure Policy for more detailed information regarding the definition and requirements of each faculty group).

Visiting Appointees

The title "visiting" may be used for persons holding rank in another institution who are temporarily employed at the University of Southern Indiana. Visiting professors are not eligible for tenure.

Special Program Participants and Non-credit Programs

The Associate Provost for Outreach and Engagement or designee is authorized to negotiate stipends, honoraria, or other forms of payment to faculty and staff for instruction of non-credit programs and related services.

Instructors of noncredit programs, including conferences and workshops, are paid at various rates depending on the nature and duration of the assignment and the qualifications of the individual.

All noncredit instructional programs offered on a contract basis for area employers, professional organizations, or other groups are arranged and scheduled through Outreach and Engagement.

Conference and workshop leaders and program participants are paid at various rates depending on the nature and duration of the assignment and the qualifications of the individual.

An annual appropriation is made to pay honoraria for special lectures on academic topics. Such lectures are scheduled by colleges and are open to faculty, students, and the public. Lecture programs are approved by the provost.