University facilities may be reserved on an as-available basis to hold meetings or conduct activities consistent with the mission of the organization and the University. All requests for use of University facilities, from University entities, officially registered student organizations, and external groups or individuals, must be submitted to Special Events and Scheduling (SES) with at least five (5) business days' notice prior to the event in order to allow time to schedule, staff and notify essential campus service providers, including but not limited to Public Safety, Facility Operations and Planning, Information Technology, Risk Management, and others. Requests are submitted to and managed by Special Events and Scheduling. A complete list of University-approved event guidelines, including prohibited materials and decoration procedures, can be found at
Soliciting for monetary reasons or selling will not be permitted on campus except as approved by the Business Office and the President. In the case of student organizations, the Business Office, Center for Campus Life and President must approve.
The University reserves the right to revise its policies regarding the use of University facilities. Any such revisions are subject to all local, state, and federal executive orders or declared states of emergency.
Definition of Facilities
The facilities of the University include all buildings and grounds owned or leased by the University. Space within the buildings and grounds is one of two types: (1) Dedicated and (2) Public.
- Dedicated: Dedicated space is defined as space used primarily to serve and support the academic, administrative, cultural, living and recreational functions of the University.
- Public: Public spaces are those which accommodate traffic flow, and facilities of the University open to the public. These areas include sidewalks, campus streets and drives, entrances to buildings, lobbies and corridors.
Dedicated Academic Space
General classrooms, including large lecture rooms, are not assigned to any specific academic area. These areas are under the jurisdiction of the Registrar for assignment of regularly scheduled academic classes. Reservations for use of general classrooms for purposes other than regularly scheduled academic classes must be made through Special Events and Scheduling. General classroom space is released for non-academic class reservations after the first two weeks of class in the Fall and Spring terms and after one week of class during Summer sessions.
Special Events and Scheduling will obtain any necessary approvals for the reservation of space in other instructional spaces, including but not limited to specialized classrooms, and laboratories, athletic courts and fields, Liberty Arena, Home of the Screaming Eagles, the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center, and the Performance Center.
Deans and department chairpersons may submit requests for special needs of a permanent nature, such as space for faculty offices, or specialized instructional or research space, to the Office of the Provost. Requests will be assigned in accordance with available space, in coordination with the Registrar’s Office, Special Events and Scheduling, and Facility Operations and Planning. Deans to whom specific areas are assigned will then assume responsibility for these areas.
Public Space
General Buildings and Ground Space: Every person with legitimate business at the University has the privilege of free access to public areas of the buildings and grounds during hours when they are open; the President or designee determines such hours. These areas include sidewalks, streets, lawns, lakes, trails, lobbies and corridors, library reading rooms and other common areas. The President or designee may deny this privilege of free access to an individual or group which disrupts the normal operation of the University.
Reservation of Space: Reservations for use of public space, as defined by this policy, must be made through Special Events and Scheduling.
Use of Public Space vs. Reserving Space: A purposeful/intentional gathering of a group of individuals on a specific date/time/location on campus with the expectation that the space will be reserved upon arrival, requires a reservation through Special Events and Scheduling. Groups or individuals without these expectations will be using areas on the USI campus as public space; accepting the space in, “as is” condition and/or avoiding areas being used for scheduled events (example: walking on campus).
Responsibilities of the External (Non-University) User
A reservation and signed facility agreement provided by USI Special Events and Scheduling is required for all external (non-University) users requesting University facilities. The facility agreement requires the user and all participants remain in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and all University policies, including but not limited to the Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy, Child Protection Policy, Tobacco-Free Policy, Alcohol Policy, Firearms/Weapons Restriction on Campus Policy, and Sexual Harassment Policy. The user is required to provide a certificate of insurance to Special Events and Scheduling, naming the University of Southern Indiana as additional insured with an original signature of an authorized insurance company representative, and shall provide for at least ten (10) days’ notice of change in coverage or cancellation. The University must receive Certificate of Insurance at least ten (10) business days prior to the start of the event.
Right to Use Space
Use of space for purposes other than those for which it has been designated will not be allowed. Neither individuals nor groups will be permitted to interrupt the use of space, after it has been duly assigned, without permission of the President or a University official designated by the President.
Users who misrepresent any event or affiliation to avoid fees and charges or compliance with the general policies of the University may have reservation privileges suspended or incur additional charges.
Persons in charge of facilities or functions who determine that a situation is no longer peaceful and orderly should request that the individual(s) desist from activities causing the disturbance and contact USI Public Safety to inform of the nature of the disturbance. Once Public Safety officers arrive, they will assess the situation and, if deemed necessary, implement approved emergency procedures.
Agencies coming to the campus to recruit students for employment must contact Career Services and Internships, who will in turn make reservations for space in their offices or through Special Events and Scheduling, if applicable.
Violations of these limitations subject students to due process disciplinary action by the University. University disciplinary sanctions for students found guilty of disrupting legitimate University functions may range in severity from admonition to permanent expulsion.
Students involved in disruptive behavior will have their alleged offenses adjudicated in the same manner as those students involved in other violations of University policy.
Employees and staff using University facilities are responsible for complying with these policies; violations will be handled as described in Disciplinary Actions, Item B.19 of the University Handbook.