C.18 Leaves of Absence‌

  1. Introduction

    The University of Southern Indiana grants two kinds of leaves: leaves without pay and sabbatical leaves.

  2. Leaves Without Pay for Professional Development

    Leaves without pay may be granted to members of the teaching faculty, librarians, and the administration for advanced study, research, academic outreach or engagement projects, professional writing, and other activities that will enable the applicant to serve the University more effectively, or to accept other professional assignments for limited periods of time. Requests for leave should be filed with the dean or director and the provost at least six months in advance of the time the leave is to begin. Administrative officers will file their applications for leave with the head of the administrative division and the president. Normally, such leaves will be granted to tenured faculty members for periods not to exceed one academic year. Under special circumstances, the leave may be granted to non-tenured faculty or extended for a longer period. A leave of absence without pay granted during the probationary period will delay tenure eligibility.

  3. Sabbatical Leaves

    Purposes of Sabbatical Leave. The purposes for which special leave may be granted include advanced study, research, academic outreach or engagement projects, professional writing, or other activities that will enable the applicant to serve the University more effectively.

    Eligibility. Any member of the faculty or administration with six or more years of regular full-time service (12 semesters) at the University of Southern Indiana is eligible to apply. Sabbatical leaves will be granted for a period not to exceed one year. Eligibility to apply for subsequent leaves is established when the individual attains at least six years of regular full-time service (12 semesters) following the last leave granted.

    Extent, Duration, Payment, and Final Report. The conditions for the granting of sabbatical leaves are:

    1. The number of sabbatical leaves granted will be conditioned by budget. Ordinarily courses and University-related responsibilities regularly assigned to the faculty member on sabbatical leave will be assigned to colleagues in the individual's department or other appropriate administrative unit. Under special circumstances and on the recommendation of the dean and the provost and with the approval of the president, a person may be appointed to fill the vacated position for the term of the leave.
    2. Sabbatical leave may be granted for one semester at full pay or for two semesters at half pay.
    3. Any pay received for work undertaken during the period of leave and taxable in that year is subject to approval of the administration of the University of Southern Indiana.
    4. Sabbatical leaves are not automatically earned through time in service. Rather, they are an investment by the University in the expectation that the leave will significantly enhance the recipient's capacity to contribute to the objectives of the University of Southern Indiana. Furthermore, it is expected that faculty members will adhere to the approved plan as submitted in the formal application.
    5. Recipients of sabbatical leaves are required to complete a written evaluative report which includes pertinent activities and accomplishments. This report will include an assessment of how these activities are most likely to strengthen the individual's expertise and knowledge and contribute to the enhancement of the University.
    6. The written evaluative reports described above will be used to (a) review the policy and program of sabbatical leaves and (b) evaluate future applications for sabbatical leaves from persons who have had one or more such leaves.


    Procedure. One wishing to apply for sabbatical leave shall submit formal application to the provost by December 14 prior to the academic year in which leave is desired. The form for such purposes may be obtained from the Office of the Provost. The form includes these items:

    1. Purposes of the leave (nature of activity to be pursued, where and how) and its contribution to the applicant and the University.
    2. Signed pledge that applicant will return to the University of Southern Indiana for at least one academic year.
    3. Statement of approval supplied by the dean or director.
    4. Approval of the provost.
    5. Approval of the president for the University.


    Criteria for Granting Sabbatical Leave. In approving applications, the administration will consider these factors:

    1. The value of proposed activity to the applicant and the University.
    2. The comparative length of the applicant's service at the University of Southern Indiana.
    3. In the case of leave for study or other scholarly activity, the initiative which the applicant has already shown in pursuing his/her goal. Leave for work on a doctoral degree should be to permit completion of academic work for the degree.
    4. The recency of any leave granted the applicant.
    5. Rank, in that all other things being equal, those holding higher rank shall be given preference.
    6. Needs of the University:
      1. Sabbatical leaves may be granted to librarians and administrative officers for the same purposes and under the same conditions as for the teaching faculty.
      2. To facilitate the smooth functions of academic programs, the University may grant sabbatical leaves at more frequent intervals than 12 semesters.