Recruitment of prospective employees involves a process in which members of Search Committees and often times other personnel within the University community evaluate candidates for employment with the University. In addition to the formal interview process, meals or other hospitality events with candidates provide an opportunity for Search Committee members and other University personnel to interact with candidates in a more relaxed environment.
Numerous questions have surfaced as to the number of people to include in meals with candidates and the expenditures for meals. The following guidelines for Hospitality Expenditures for Search Committees have been established. The guidelines include the following recommendations:
- Number of participants to include
- Expenditures per participant
- Facility options for dining
- Reimbursement documentation
- Number of Participants
Candidate Only: It is recommended that no more than three individuals accompany the candidate for a meal. This will facilitate more meaningful discussion between the candidate and University representatives. However, if circumstances arise where the interview with the entire Search Committee needs to occur during a meal, prior approval from the appropriate vice president should be obtained and attached to the reimbursement voucher.
Candidate and Spouse: The nature and level of the position within the University may impact whether the spouse of a candidate is included in hospitality activities during the interview process. If the spouse accompanies the candidate, it is appropriate to include the spouse in at least one of the scheduled meal events.
If the spouse of the candidate attends a meal function, Search Committee members or other appropriate University personnel may include spouses at the hospitality activity. However, it is recommended that no more than four people (a combination of Search Committee members, other University personnel, or spouses) accompany the candidate and spouse for a meal.
In the event someone accompanies the candidate other than a spouse, prior approval from the appropriate vice president should be obtained for that person’s participation in the hospitality event. Likewise this applies to guests other than a spouse for a University representative.
- Expenditure Limits Per Participant
Based on the meal and dining facility, the cost for meals will vary. Expenditure guidelines have been established for breakfast, lunch, and dinner:
1. Breakfast $10 per person 2. Lunch $10 per person 3. Dinner $25 per person Gratuities of approximately 15 percent are in addition to the per person limit.
- Facility Options
Numerous options are available to the Search Committee in planning meals for a candidate. Options include:
University Center: Meal tickets are available through the Office of the President to cover the cost of the meal.
Catered Events on Campus: Contact Central Scheduling to schedule a room and plan a catered event.
Off-campus Dining Facilities: Arrangements should be made by the Search Committee.
- Reimbursement Documentation
A Hospitality Expense Report with reimbursement documentation should first be submitted to the departmental fiscal agent for approval and then forwarded to the appropriate vice president. The reimbursement documentation should include the following information:
Title of vacant position
Name of candidate and guest
Names of University representatives participating in the meal
Itemized receipt with total cost of meals, date, and name of restaurant/facility indicatedThe budget for hospitality expenditures will be included in each vice president’s account. Expenditures for hospitality will be charged against the search department’s budget with the exception of expenses for alcoholic beverages, which will be charged to the Foundation.
Additional requirements may be established by the Business Office to ensure proper and timely reimbursement.
The appropriate vice president must approve exceptions to the Expenditures for Hospitality Guidelines.
Questions regarding these guidelines should be directed to the appropriate vice president, the manager of employment in Human Resources, or the director of the Business Office.