C.1 Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Members


In this section of the faculty handbook the designation "faculty member" should be interpreted to include members of the teaching faculty, administrators holding academic rank, their staff having teaching responsibilities, and individuals classified as professional librarians. The term "teaching faculty" specifies only faculty members whose primary duties include teaching.

Each faculty member of the University of Southern Indiana is considered to be an officer of a public educational institution, a member of a learned profession, and a citizen of the community. As an officer in the University, the faculty member is expected to abide by the established policies, rules, and regulations for the operation of the University and the conduct of its instructional programs; to participate in and contribute to the development and improvement of educational services within the scope of the accepted purposes of the University (See Mission Section for Mission Statement of the University); to perform assigned duties to the best of one's ability; and to be concerned about the educational welfare and achievement of the students. As a member of a learned profession, the faculty member should continuously endeavor to improve scholarly attainments; should participate in appropriate organized professional activities; and should contribute, through research, teaching, and service, to the expansion of knowledge and the advancement of learning. As a citizen, the faculty member will accept and uphold the principles and ideals of American democracy and will assume the duties and obligations of all citizens in promoting the general welfare in the community, state, and nation. Personal conduct and relationships with students and colleagues should conform to the accepted ethics of the academic profession and will be judged by the highest standards of personal integrity and moral behavior.