F.24 Campus Solicitation Policy‌


Unauthorized individuals, entities or their representatives may not engage in sales, peddling, soliciting, distributing, or posting of any materials, or use equipment or networks owned/operated by the University without written permission of the President  or the President's designee. Any activity in violation of this policy should be reported to the President's Office.

Employees are not permitted to solicit employees or students or peddle any items, distribute or post any unauthorized material during working time, in work areas on University-owned or controlled property, or through equipment or networks owned/operated by the University without the written permission of the President or the President's designee.

Approved solicitations include annual United Way, Foundation and University campaigns. Other activities may be approved for projects and/or programs that are of direct interest and value to the University. The President or the President's designee must review and approve materials for proposed campus solicitations. Employee contributions to charitable and welfare programs and activities are entirely matters of individual discretion.

The University of Southern Indiana and the USI Foundation strictly prohibit fund-raising activities which involve drawings, raffles, half pots, bingo, lottery, charity game nights, games of chance, or any scheme for distribution of prizes among persons who are paying for a chance to obtain a prize. Neither the University nor the USI Foundation is licensed by the Indiana Department of Revenue to conduct such activities. University departments and registered student groups are encouraged to solicit funds in other ways. For additional information, contact the Director of University Development.

All sales activities must be approved through the Business Office and the Center for Campus Life (for student-related activities), or as approved by the President or the President's designee. 

Groups or individuals holding events that include sales and soliciting activities must schedule the event with Special Events and Scheduling (SES) and adhere to all applicable University policies, guidelines and procedures, including but not limited to:

  • The use of sound equipment (TV, stereo, amplifiers and public address system) is restricted; permission must be obtained by SES.
  • Groups must display a printed sign no smaller than 8.5”x11” signifying the name of the organization hosting the sale or solicitation.
  • For-profit entities must have a retail sales permit available at the scheduled activity.
  • A currently enrolled student or University employee capable of representing the policies of the University must be present at all times.

Please reference Policy F.12, Handling of Money on Campus, for additional information. For policies related to sales and solicitation by students, see the Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior in the University Bulletin.